Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy

When you use the services provided by the ISMP 2024 conference web application as a conference participant, some personal information about you is collected. This personal information is collected exclusively within the context of the ISMP 2024 conference. The event organisers will not reveal or share this information with any third party.

1. Consentment

When you create your ISMP 2024 profile as a user, we ask to confirm that you have read and consent to our Privacy and Personal Data Protection policy. If you do give your consentment, your profile will be created and you will be able to use the ISMP 2024 application and the services it provides.

How to revoke your consentment

If after having given your consentment, you change your mind and do not consent to this policy, you can at any time delete your ISMP 2024 profile using the function provided on your profile page. You can also contact us at the following coordinates to ask us to delete your profile:

GERAD – HEC Montréal
3000, ch. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec) H3T 2A7 CANADA

2. Personal Data Collected

2.1 Participant Profile

Registration as an attendee, submission of a presentation proposal and creation of a personalized program require the creation of a participant profile.

When creating your participant profile, the following information is collected:

  • Email address
  • given and family names
  • professional affiliation
  • street address, city, country and postal code (optional)
  • phone number (optional).

Once created, your participant profile allows you to retrieve the data associated with it, by simply authentifying using your email address and chosen password. You will also be able to consult your registration, presentation submission(s) and personalized program.

Your participant profile is always accessible to modify your personal information. Also, you can use the "Delete my profile" function at any time, which will delete all nominal information that concern you. However, the system may retain some non nominal information related for example to a payment, for administrative purposes.

2.2 Credit Card Payment

When registering to attend the ISMP 2024 conference, the system will redirect you to HEC's payment gateway, which have their own privacy and data protection policy.

2.3 Submission of presentations

When submitting a presentation proposal for the conference, the system collects information related to the presentation. This information is:
  • The title of the presentation
  • abstract of complete text of the scientific article
  • for each author of the article: given and family names, email address and professional affiliation.

3. Publication of presentation information

Only the passive information related to a presentation will be published on ISMP 2024's web site. This passive information consists of the given and family names, email addresses and professional affiliations of the article authors. Participation to the conference and submission of a presentation proposal grant the right to ISMP 2024 to store and keep the aforementioned passive information, which it may publish within the context of the conference.

4. Protection of private data

We take reasonable measures and follow best practices from the industry to ensure the personal data on users we collect is not lost, hijacked, revealed or modified in an unintended way.

All connections with the ISMP 2024 web site are encrypted with the SSL protocol, using a 2048 bit encryption key.

Passwords are stored using a SHA-2 hashing algorithm.

5. Use of cookies

The ISMP 2024 web site may create a cookie named _session_id, which is a unique and encrypted session identifier and allows to store session-related data, such as referer, redirect page, etc...This cookie is set to expire at the end of the browser session. Terminating your web browser program will cause the cookie to be erased.

6. Modification of this privacy policy

We may update this policy from time to time to reflect changes made in the Symposia web application or to ensure conformity with the laws.

Should significative changes be made to the ISMP 2024 web site that would impact the way personal data is collected and used, we will notify of these changes through email all participants that have a profile.

7. Questions and comments

For any comment or inquiry regading this privacy policy, please contact us by email at You can also write to us by conventional mail at:

GERAD – HEC Montréal
3000, ch. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine
Montréal (Québec) H3T 2A7 CANADA